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Revelations 18:4-5

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5: For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

Many protestant and Pentecostal churches are so superstitious and have errored in this doctrine of  ''salvation by grace alone'' connoting that the works and character of a believer doesn’t matter (James 2:18-24), they believe that as so long as a person confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, that’s all; though one commits adultery or steal or wear  a miniskirt, or a tattoo, or take a beer or go clubbing, it’s all okay, they recklessly say that there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ, all was finished at the cross of Calvary, there is no need for repentance and bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit etc. (Luke 6:43-46)

I have not seen such a wild generation of Christians like this my brethrens; moreover Prophet Daniel foresaw this generation and cried and lay down many days sick because he was amazed with the great blasphemies and wickedness that were to be manifested by the professing believers in our generation. Every man and woman does what they want; they refuse God as their instructor and believe their government constitutions ruled by human rights, their doctrine is ‘’humanism’’, what a great error. The Pentecostal church has completely rejected the Ten Commandments of God saying that; they are Christians saved by grace alone and that; there is no need of keeping the Ten Commandments, not knowing that heaven is a kingdom constituted by the eternal word of God.

 Matthew5:17, Jesus said that He did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it; in otherwards, He magnified it so that there should be difference between a Born Again Christian and a pagan (2Corinthians6:14-18). The first and the second commandments are these; Matthew 22:36-40  Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

These two commandments which Jesus Christ gave to the disciples are the summary of the full explanation of the ten commandments, therefore all Christians are bound to keep the Ten commandments fully.

Some Christians love to keep some laws and leaving out others (James 2:10-14), God wants us to worship Him in truth (Word) and in the Spirit. Great reformers like Martin Luther came out and did their level best to restore true worship in the 15th century but now all their efforts are in vain, because this reprobate and degenerate generation rejoices at the death of the saints saying, ‘’the reformers together with the prophets were heretic and not worthy to live’’, this generation has intendedly crucified Jesus Christ the second time and completely rejected Him that died for them, yet they believe they are saved. How can your soul be saved yet the body is not yet converted?

All the indulgencies in churches, excitement in exchange for humility, entertainment in exchange for praise and worship, fortune telling in exchange for prophesy, fun in exchange for the glory of God, immoral dress codes (legging, miniskirts, short dresses, tattoos, hats, shorts, etc.) in exchange for decency, purgatory for paradise, luxury weddings in exchange for marriage, Easter Pagan Festival in exchange for Passover, Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s day  in exchange for love and other pagan practices, the church is guilty of all these crimes yet they say, there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ, (Romans8:1) but all these are fleshy filthy works yet the scripture referred to them who walk in the spirit. 

Lawrence; did you talk about immoral dress codes, what’s the problem with my leggings and short dresses and miniskirts and transparent dresses? I dress to kill and I appear smart and my husband likes it; Dear sister, better stay in your bedroom and bathroom with such dress codes, but when you walk outside or go to church with it; know that you are guilty of nudity igniting up lust and sensual desires in the hearts of the brothers, you are a stumbling block to their salvation, because when they look at all your body figures, pumped breasts, clear thighs, lines of your curvy body hips and the rest, they wantonously lust; and on that account you become guilty of seduction and adultery too.

Jesus said, Matthew5:28

‘’But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart’’.

Men can curb lust if all women take their bodies sacred, dress decently and modestly for the glory of God, no one can lust after a Muslim woman with the hijab on her full body, because she has covered all her sensitive body parts. Shouldn’t Christians dress more righteously than all other pagan religions? God forbid.

''Why do you think All the Angels of God appear to us in Visions while dressed up covering all their Body? It’s a heavenly commandment.''

Brethrens let’s get out of Babylon, she is filled with all evil spirits, all indulgencies, all sorcery and all adulteries and idolatries, come out of her my people that you may not be a partaker of her iniquities. Repent and be ye converted for the salvation of your soul (Matthew 3:8).

Under this theme ‘’come out of her my people’’, I will do all my level best by the enablement of the Holy Spirit to present to the True church of the Living God the True Gospel of Salvation and Truth which alone can save you and preserve your eternal soul from pollution and corruption. The church today is indoctrinated with so many pagan teachings borrowed from Babylon; the Catholic Church has done a lot to venerate and Christianize almost all the pagan practices and festivals of the ancient Babylonian Religion.

The modern and civilized generation just obeys to everything taught without reading the Holy Bible and without question just as it was nearly 2000 years back when the Catholic Church under its Pontifex Maximus had forbid the people from reading the Holy scriptures and reserved them only for the clergy men until when Martin Luther in the 15th century one of the greatest Reformers protested against the indulgences and the abominations of that pagan Catholic church.

The Catholic Church has been so successful in its wicked skillful schemes of indoctrination and it has atleast now once again gained the dominion it had lost through the reformers since also the Pentecostal churches are daily converting back to Catholicism its mother church. But God is calling out the remnant of the true and Faithful Christians to Get out of all the pagan practices which have infiltrated the church of God. Jesus is coming back to take for Himself a church without spot and blemish. Let us remember the Ten Commandments and observe them holily. Let’s turn our eyes to the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us and not focus on earthly things, which perish and vanish away, don’t trust in your pastor, prophet or your church, only trust Jesus who is able to save you and preserve your eternal soul.

Below are some of the Topics we are going to share by the grace of God and I pray that These Truths may sink deep within your heart. These teachings are based upon the Word of God, the Holy Bible, KJV version, The inspiration and revelation of the Holy Spirit, and quotes from early writers about church history from reliable sources. In case you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email @

Discover The Truth



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Revelations 18:4-5

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5: For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

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