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Is traditional wedding necessary or Luxury?

The Church of the Living God should support the Intending Brides all the time and make sure that all things are done in simplicity to honour God.

If we are to curb the act of fornication and sexual immorality, we have got to endorse more marriages and encourage faithfulness and trust between the couples.

Initially, marriages were celebrated traditionally and the entire function was held within the house hold confinement. the most crucial people were invited from the bride’s side and the groom’s side; The whole thing was all about the joy of giving out a daughter in marriage and the son marrying a wife, it was not stressful at all neither focused on merchandise and property, Wedding parties were not intended to impress the community of how great the families marrying were but it was for celebration and happiness. Everyone celebrated marriage keeping within their financial limits. The only standard point that determined a successful and glorious marriage was marrying a Bride who was a ‘’VIRGIN’’. Virginity was the sacredness of marriage, if the bride was found without Her Virginity on the Wedding Bed, then she was brought before the elders who commanded her being stoned to death because she played an harlot.

On the Contrary, Marriage Sacredness has been abandoned, modern marriage celebrations have focused so much on luxury in terms of gifts given as bride price, dress codes, decoration and a lot of promiscuous behaviors which have devalued and reduced the meaning of wedding and has registered many failed marriages. Parents due to worldly pressures have as well raised their demands to match up with the standards and this has given an impression of them intending to trade their daughters as properties, this has literally affected the value of marriage.

We believe in Traditional marriages which are biblical taking our fore fathers as example to this effect. Sighting an example of the marriage of Isaac and Rebecca, we realize how beautiful God ordained it to happen (Genesis 24:1-69). The gifts/dowry paid by Abraham’s servant intended to extend a token of appreciation to the parents of Rebecca and the conditions thereof from Rebecca’s parents were not demanding at all but only necessary to send her off in the right way. Morals were maintained and this showed the real picture of marriage being a gift from God. The priority marriage bride meet for a servant of God should be a ‘’VIRGIN’’.

We believe that marriage is not a point of barter trade or exchange from both sides; rather it’s a moment where two families meet and agree to live together in harmony. We believe it’s important to give gifts as a token of appreciation to the wife’s parents and we discourage any party taking advantage of the other in this case by setting demanding conditions or charging/setting strict conditions which act as barriers to block our children from getting married to the person they love. Christians should be examples to change the community mindset about marriage, let us not be conformed to the standards of the world but rather be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

It’s useless to spend millions of money on a one day wedding party not considering the situations the young brides are going to live in after, why to fall in debts because of wedding parties? Why to stress up because of taking a bride? marriage is a moment of enjoyment, happiness and love and exchange of gifts, it’s never a trading time. Many young men have resorted to secret sexual perversions like Fornication, Masturbation, dildo’s, pornography etc; only because they cannot afford to arrange the trending competitive expensive weddings where the rich spend lots of money and still splash money at the wedding reception. In connation, the In-laws tells the intending Bridegroom, ‘’if you cannot afford to bring me 20cows and build me a house, you will not take my daughter for marriage!!!’’. Wedding parties are very good only when you can afford them, but if one cannot afford them, let him marry in simplicity depending on his abilities. The Church of the Living God should support the Intending Brides all the time and make sure that all things are done in simplicity to honour God.

If we are to curb the act of fornication and sexual immorality, we have got to endorse more marriages and encourage faithfulness and trust between the couples.

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