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My Life Changing Testimony by Pastor Author Muwanguzi

I had a dream in 2016; as I slept, I saw a mighty Eagle with strong wings, it did pick me up with its mouth from a certainly green wilderness which seemed to be a wetland, it was so green and fresh with streams of water, it carried me from thence unto the dry land, it looked like a desert and afterwards I heard in my spirit some voice saying that I will later be picked up.

Every individual has encountered our Lord Jesus Christ in different ways, Some through visions, others dreams, others angelic visitations, others a small swift voice and while others it’s just a divine feeling; however we all feel something different/Supernatural at that point when we surrender our lives and commit it to Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our lives.

I gave my life to Christ back in the year 2000, while gathering with other children in Compassion project in Luweero district, an alter call was made and I went forth to take this opportunity of accepting a man who would take over my life until eternity. To be honest I didn’t feel anything at that time, I just felt that I should attend to the call and perhaps it was a bandwagon effect because other kids were going forth and besides that, it was almost mandatory for all children under this organization to receive Christ and be witness for him in the world.

As I grew up, I was surrounded by churches in every corner, the caregiver I grew up with was a protestant priest (Mubulizi) and we often visited Church which boosted my love for fellowshipping, singing hymns and much more; Sunday school was so fun to attend as well. I understood the decision I had taken many years later in life when I was an adult at the University, it’s then that the holy spirit began to deal with me, convicting me of my sin and I could feel the weight of it on my shoulder. I decided to serve the Lord while at the University in my first year at a church called University Community Fellowship. I joined as an Usher and I loved doing it, arranging the church on Saturday and ensuring that everything was in order. Later I was appointed to lead this department and this role had a tremendous effect on my salvation Journey. During that time, the spirit gave me an idea of initiating cell groups for university students attached to the church I was attending, I shared this with the Youth Pastor and he bought it, so cell groups began in over five hostels in Kikoni under my leadership and this role as well continued to check me and to perfect me.

In the month of September 2015, the Holy Spirit whispered to me regarding fasting, I had not had any serious fasting in my life, but this time he was calling me to a life changing event. The following year 2016, I shared this idea with three of my close friends, Richard, Rachael and Juliet, so four of us took this on for the next 60 days and every Sunday we could meet to share the word of God and as well reflect on how the week was. This period was indeed the beginning of my true salvation and it’s when my eyes began opening up to the spiritual world. I encountered many dreams of victory, some were confusing and scaring. While fasting, we lost some good pounds of weight, but also this act of fellowship did bond us as friends for life to this day. The Lord as well dealt with each one of us differently and it’s on record that we were all spiritually impacted.

The last dream I had in the final week of our prayer and fasting would entirely change me and usher me into ministry; and serving the Lord Jesus Christ for my entire life.

I had a dream; as I slept, I saw a mighty Eagle with strong wings, it did pick me up with its mouth from a certainly green wilderness which seemed to be a wetland, it was so green and fresh with streams of water, it carried me from thence unto the dry land, it looked like a desert and afterwards I heard in my spirit some voice saying that I will later be picked up. This dream confused me because I had no proper explanation of it, though I shared it with my friends that I was fasting along with; they could not make it known to me, I didn’t even bother to inquire from the Lord regarding it because by then I was not certain if he would make it known to me, so I just left it like that.

Later after that period of fasting, in the year 2016, my spirit became restless, I desired a total change in my life, I longed for a new environment that would allow me to peel off the former life I lived. My spirit was thirsty, I looked around for a person to talk to but I could find none, I attempted to leave the church where I was fellowshipping from because of the emptiness in me but I had no better options. Until in December 2016 that I decided to travel to Dubai for work, while in the desert, I began to feel some weight lifted from me due to the new environment I was into. Little did I Know that the Lord had planned to transform my life through this transition. Later in the Month of February, I met a brother by names of Lawrence Mugumbya that I have walked with for close to three years now and he became a brother in the spirit and in flesh. In the Month of March 2017, the spirit of God brought us on a journey to begin digesting his word. During our fellowships, signs in heaven were evident to us and his presence surrounded us all the time. We had our meetings in the very desert that I now relate to in my dream where an Eagle dropped me. It was summer and the heat was really high both during day and Night, that’s Middle East weather. GOD allowed us share the Holy Scriptures for a period of six months, we did this day and night, sleep was lost as the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and his grace was present to teach us the true word of God. That season was so profound in my life; I can recall it every time I think of the love of God that saves sinners like me. I began encountering the Lord in visions and dreams and its then that the calling upon my life to serve him was assured to me. The revelations by the spirit of God were not meant for my personal enlightenment alone, but it was a message given to me and my brother by the Lord himself to be spread across this universe.

I renewed my salvation in the Month of July 2017, and ever since then, the Lord has been so evident to me every day of my life. I have had quite a number of visitations and visions, and have been caught up in his presence and my spiritual eyes have been opened. The Lord Jesus has also made it known to me that I am his servant; I believe it and I am a vessel unto him to do his will. Amen.

Salvation is indeed a journey, looking back and now, I can see the hand of God holding unto me, and as Jeremiah 1:5 states that;” Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee a prophet unto the nations”. The word of the Lord unto Jeremiah took hold of me and I have believed that he called me before I was even born, as Jonah tried to seek refuge in the whales belly to avoid doing the will of God in Nineveh, so did I get lost in the world for a while but finally he found me. Indeed he who began a good work in me will surely accomplish it; blessed be his holy Name.

Word of encouragement

Beloved who is reading this testimony; I am here to encourage you to fully surrender your life to Jesus Christ this day. He redeemed you and me with his own precious blood and his spirit will not rest until you have returned to him (1 Peter 1:18-20).

You might have confessed him at one time and maybe since then, nothing has happened in your life. Things might have just even worsened and your still wondering in the world, beloved, Jesus Christ is calling you to a total renewal of your life that will bring you to full salvation. The will of God is that none of us should get lost into the wrong hands of the enemy, it’s the reason he left the ninety nine sheep and came for you and me who were lost, and he shall not rest until you are found (Mathew 18:12-14).

I believe my testimony speaks to anyone who lives in this world with a lukewarm religion, tainted with sin yet he/she believes that they are Christian but they have no assurance of their salvation. Bride of Christ, the trumpet is sounding now for you to wake up, rise up and amend your ways, surrender your life to the saving Power of Jesus Christ, forsake everything called sin; that is anything your conscious is against, seek the truth in God’s word daily to guide you. Desire to pray and fast, these two disciplines quicken the move of the Holy Spirit once they are done in truth and in spirit.

Remember that Jesus Christ died to save you by himself not by any man called Pastor/Prophet etc. Jesus has no religion or denomination; He is the only mediator between man and God (1st Timothy 2:5). Therefore start to boldly pray to him, confess your sins to Jesus Christ, have faith that you are forgiven (1st John 1:8-9).

The Lord Jesus is for all of us, not for a few, John 3:16 says that; “For God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”

Therefore you who is reading and anyone else out there are equally loved by the Almighty creator, and the gift of Jesus Christ is for us all, but on condition that we believe on him as the only way, truth and life John 14:6. Confess him as your personal Lord and savior Romans 10:9-10, then allow the Holy Spirit to guide your life into righteousness and holiness of which without, No man shall see God Hebrews 12:14.

I pray that you completely give your life to Jesus Christ today, be filled with the Holy Spirit and live to enjoy the full blessings of the Almighty God.


Pastor Author Muwanguzi.



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