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The Prophetic Calendar

The prophetic calendar today counts the MIDNIGHT HOUR (00:00Hrs). It’s a watch full of darkness where men are seemingly asleep, Believers are falling away from the faith of our lord Jesus Christ resorting to false demonic teachings of self-pleasure, a generation of backslidden Christians with dead epistles and dogmas, Peganism at its maximum, most men have acquired a reprobate and deluded mind due to continual wickedness. At a time like this when most men are utterly worried and fallen asleep, I can hear the sound of heaven, a Blow of a mighty trumpet warning and calling the sleeping Bride of Christ (church) to awake and trim her lamp and fill it with the oil (be filled with the Holy Spirit) (Matthew25:6) and calling the entire house of Israel to salvation through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The world is receiving her last call; This is the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ himself calling and choosing for Himself a bride set ready for rapture. If you hear God’s voice today, don’t harden your heart, tomorrow might be too late. ‘’He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches’’

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2Peter3:8 (KJV)

The prophetic calendar is based upon prophets and the prophetic time or the prophetic fulfillment of the prophetic word. The Prophetic Calendar is from Eternity to Eternity because its inspired by the Spirit of God in the hearts of the prophets, so it has nothing to do with nature or human systems. In the world are very many calendars but none of them can be trusted because they are all false, most of these world calendars are based upon constellations as they appear in the first heaven and others are based upon events, festivals and Pagan gods. God has reserved time in His own hands and in due seasons He sends His messengers the prophets to reveal to the people the events that would come to pass shortly so that God’s people should prepare and be saved.

The prophetic calendar was first revealed by God in the DAY He created the Heaven and the Earth (Genesis1 and 2).

The lord God created the heavens and the earth in only six days and He rested on the Seventh day and blessed it and called it the Sabbath which simply means Rest

On each day God created a different thing according to His Divine will. When you read through Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2, you will realize that in chapter one, it was God’s manifesto or Plan of what He was going to create on earth. The creation story according to Genesis chapter 1 is perpetually spiritual. God first created the spirit of whatsoever he was going to make manifest physically, in chapter 2 verse 5 says that “And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. 6: But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground”. Here the bible says that God had not yet created anything because it had not yet rained on the earth, yet in chapter one , He had already finished creating all things and blessed them already to multiply and subdue the earth.

Is God’s word contradicting? Absolutely No, Genesis 1 talked about God’s plan of creation and in it was the creation of all the life and spirit of all things He created.

God knows the end of all things from the very beginning of it, God created the earth in six days as His plan was that the natural world would last for only Six Thousand years; don’t you know that one day with the Lord is one thousand years?, therefore the first day represented the first one thousand years, the second day represented the two thousand years until the six thousand years are ended. On the seventh day the Lord God rested from all his works, the seventh day predicted the Millennium Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth, True Rest would come to God’s chosen people, it shall be a time of peace and joy on earth for the saints of God.

On the sixth day God created man and the beasts; prophetically six is a number of a man and of a beast (Revelations13:18). This predicted that in the year of six thousand, the character of men would turn to be like the beasts, man would loose natural affections and begin to behave as brute beasts with all violence, wrath, anger, and would seek to prey against one another, in the same year a chosen man of righteousness would ascend up in glory (Rapture). The beast himself would be revealed in the same year and shall make war with the saints of God by the influence of Satan and overcome them, and many people shall worship the beast and bear his name and mark and number, the number of the beast is 666 which means the full maturity of wickedness on earth and at the end of that year, Judgement will strike the whole world and no one will ever escape it.

God exists in three manifestations; The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, therefore Each Godhead was given a dispensation of two thousand years of ministry on earth. The father, the Lord God Almighty YHWH ministered on earth from the time of Adam unto the Abraham, and in the time of Noah, the first world which had existed for two thousand years was destroyed and the saints in it were received in glory.

Then the second Godhead the Lord Jesus Christ came in the second dispensation and ministered salvation on earth. At the end of His ministry, the world was judged the second time and the saints of it arose from the dead and were received up in glory on the same day the Lord Jesus Christ resurrected.

The Holy Spirit was poured upon the church on the day of the Pentecost and that marked the beginning of the ministry of the Third Godhead on earth, The redemptive ministry of the Holy Spirit would also last for only Two dispensations (two thousand years). The Lord Jesus Christ said Matthew24:34-35 ‘’Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away’’.

We are living at the very edge of the time, let’s get prepared now now, there is no better time to repent than this very minute, I command you to repent and turn to God in the name of Jesus Christ or you shall perish together with the wicked.

The prophetic calendar today counts the MIDNIGHT HOUR (00:00Hrs). It’s a watch full of darkness where men are seemingly asleep, Believers are falling away from the faith of our lord Jesus Christ resorting to false demonic teachings of self-pleasure, a generation of backslidden Christians with dead epistles and dogmas, Peganism at its maximum, most men have acquired a reprobate and deluded mind due to continual wickedness. At a time like this when most men are utterly worried and fallen asleep, I can hear the sound of heaven, a Blow of a mighty trumpet warning and calling the sleeping Bride of Christ (church) to awake and trim her lamp and fill it with the oil (be filled with the Holy Spirit) (Matthew25:6) and calling the entire house of Israel to salvation through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The world is receiving her last call; This is the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ himself calling and choosing for Himself a bride set ready for rapture. If you hear God’s voice today, don’t harden your heart, tomorrow might be too late. ‘’He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches’’

If there be a prophet or an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ in the world today, he can only be identified with the message of the Endtime; Sealing away the Virgin Bride of Christ; but all the prophets that prophesy material wealth only and speak about earthly things have not been sent by God but by Satan the father of all deception. Child of God be safe and stay away from such devil’s Agents, give your heart to God and seek the scriptures that in them you think there is eternal life.

According to the manuscript of the Prophet Enoch, Below is the true and trusted prophetic calendar detailing all the events that would come to pass on the earth according to the plan of God which He set in the Day He created the Heavens and the earth, but all other calendars of this world are false and demonic; NASA is demonic and false too; the Julian calendar, the Gregory calendar, the astronomical calendar, the Arabic calendar, the Nepali’s Calendar and the Jewish calendar are all false, you cannot depend on their predictions to know the times and the dispensations which God has reserved under His mighty hand. All most all the festivals and events celebrated within the world calendars are demonic and evil before God.

Matthew24:36 ‘’But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only’’

Therefore the time is set in the hand of God and He reveals it to His servants the Prophets through the Holy Spirit.

ENOCH Chapter 90


1. After this, Enoch began to speak from a book.

2. And Enoch said, concerning the children of righteousness, concerning the elect of the world, and concerning the plant of righteousness and integrity.

3. Concerning these things will I speak, and these things will I explain to you, my children: I who am Enoch. In consequence of that which has been shown to me, from my heavenly vision and from the voice of the holy angels have I acquired knowledge; and from the tablet of heaven have I acquired understanding.

4. Enoch then began to speak from a book, and said, I have been born the seventh in the first week, while judgment and righteousness wait with patience.

5. But after me, in the second week, great wickedness shall arise, and fraud shall spring forth.

6. In that week the end of the first shall take place, in which mankind shall be safe.

7. But when the first is completed, iniquity shall grow up; and he shall execute the decree upon sinners.

8. Afterwards, in the third week, during its completion, a man of the plant of righteous judgment shall be selected; and after him the plant of righteousness shall come for ever.

9. Subsequently, in the fourth week, during its completion, the visions of the holy and the righteous shall be seen, the order of generation after generation shall take place, and an habitation shall be made for them. Then in the fifth week, during its completion, the house of glory and of dominion shall be erected forever.

10. After that, in the sixth week, all those who are in it shall be darkened, the hearts of all of them shall be forgetful of wisdom, and in it shall a man ascend.

11. And during its completion he shall burn the house of dominion with fire, and all the race of the elect root shall be dispersed.

12. Afterwards, in the seventh week, a perverse generation shall arise; abundant shall be its deeds, and all its deeds perverse. During its completion, the righteous shall be selected from the everlasting plant of righteousness; and to them shall be given the sevenfold doctrine of his whole creation.


13. Afterwards there shall be another week, the eighth of righteousness, to which shall be given a sword to execute judgment and justice upon all oppressors.

14. Sinners shall be delivered up into the hands of the righteous, who during its completion shall acquire habitations by their righteousness; and the house of the great King shall be established for celebrations for ever. After, this, in the ninth week, shall the judgment of righteousness be revealed to the whole world.

15. Every work of the ungodly shall disappear from the whole earth; the world shall be marked for destruction; and all men shall be on the look out for the path of integrity.

16. And after this, on the seventh day of the tenth week, there shall be an everlasting judgment, which shall be executed upon the Watchers; and a spacious eternal heaven shall spring forth in the midst of the angels.

17. The former heaven shall depart and pass away; a new heaven shall appear; and all the celestial powers shine with sevenfold splendour for ever. Afterwards likewise shall there be many weeks, which shall externally exist in goodness and in righteousness.

18. Neither shall sin be named there for ever and for ever.

19. Who is there of all the children of men, capable of hearing the voice of the Holy One without emotion?

20. Who is there capable of thinking his thoughts? Who is capable of contemplating all the workmanship of heaven? Who is capable of comprehending the deeds of heaven?

21. He may behold its animation, but not its spirit. He may be capable of conversing respecting it, but not of ascending to it. He may see all the boundaries of these things, and meditate upon them; but he can make nothing like them.

22. Who of all men is able to understand the breadth and length of the earth?

23. By whom have been seen the dimensions of all these things? Is it every man who is capable of comprehending the extent of heaven; what its elevation is, and by what it is supported?

24. How many are the numbers of the stars; and where all the luminaries remain at rest?

Note: one week = one day = one thousand years

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