John 1:29
“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”
The Early Christians including all the apostles of the lamb continued to celebrate the Passover festivals year after year. The Jews under Judaism celebrated the Passover carnally according to the commandment of Moses where the Passover lamb without blemish was sacrificed and the people ate the unleavened bread, they were commemorating the Exodus where God delivered them from the house of bondage in Egypt with His mighty hand through Moses where the first borns of the Egyptians were killed by the Angel of death in the night. But the early Christians as they celebrated the Passover needed not to sacrifice any lambs because Jesus Christ is our Blameless Passover Lamb (1Corinthians 5:7), who lived a sinless life, crucified, died and resurrected on the third day from the grave. Now He is the hope of our eternity.
The Passover is not just a day of celebration, excitement and entertainment, it’s a day to remember the Passion of Christ, How God so much loved the world and He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). It should be a day of weeping because the Lord died on the cross with great agony where the Righteous Angels were all moved with compassion and couldn’t look at the God of Heaven dying, the sun could not comprehend it, it was moved with tears to the point that it blacked out and its light vanished, gross darkness covered the whole earth, the rocks and the mountains rent apart when they saw their maker being stubbed to death (Matthew 27:44-54); it should be a day of fasting and repenting for our sins before the Lord, and a day of renewing our covenant with the Lord.
Do any of you rejoice when he/she has lost your lovedones? Do you then rejoice because Jesus Christ died for your sins?, Are you trying to mock God? Don’t you know that he suffered death for your sakes? On the cross He cried in great agony to the Father saying; ‘’Father, why have you forsaken me?’’, but full of grace and mercy He replied, ‘’Father, Forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing!’’. For all have sinned and have fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 2:23), but because of the love of God, The son of God took the form of man that he may die on our behalf, we were all guilty of death, as we know that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), He died on our stead, do we then rejoice because He died or we lament and cry out because we are guilty? Judge for yourselves if you are worthy before God, may God have mercy upon us.
Who is he that dances and celebrates at the death of his friend? If no one; then why do the people make all the dirty jocks and wicked rituals and customs on the day they commemorate the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s only because they are sincerely not celebrating the Passover (The Lord’s Resurrection) but the Pagan Easter Festival worshiping and honoring the queen of heaven, the goddess of fertility. Does His (Jesus’) death mean anything to you or Not? Have you yet accepted Him as your Lord and Saviour? Do you have hope for eternal life? Therefore let’s cast out Babylon and come to God and worship Him in Truth and Spirit.
On the other hand, We should also rejoice greatly before God because the hope of life came to us who were unworthy, the messiah resurrected from the dead, therefore it’s a day of sincere praise and worship before the Lord Jesus Christ in righteousness and a day of Holy communion (Sharing the Lord’s supper).
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